Someday I’ll Be Dead

Yes, in response to the lady on facebook who called me selfish for leaving my loved ones behind.
Someday I’ll be dead and there is nothing I can do to stop dying.
Yes, I can slow down the process by not drinking, smoking, or doing drugs.
But someday, I will still be dead, period
Yes, death is inevitable.
Someday I’ll be dead and in my opinion, I want to have lived life before I die.
Yes, I can live a healthy and sober life.
Someday I’ll be dead and I believe that there must be balance.
Yes, I love my family.
Someday I’ll be dead and I want to enjoy every minute I get to be myself as myself.
Yes, I want to spend time with them.
Someday I’ll be dead and the memories my children have will be of me being me with them.
They will know me and who I am.
We will laugh and cry and remember as they grow up.
They will be great memories.
I will never die as long as they remember me.
But someday I’ll still be dead.

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